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Embedded Wireless RBLHGG-5acD-XL

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Embedded Wireless RBLHGG-5acD-XL
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Kategori:SXT & LHG
Harga:Rp 1.510.000,00

Produk Mikrotik variant terbaru yang menggabungkan Antenna Grid Outdoor gain besar dengan RouterBoard yang memiliki banyak fitur. Mengutamakan gain antenna besar yang bisa digunakan di link wireless lebih jauh dari produk lain, siap digunakan di jaringan wireless backbone Anda.

Menggunakan Standart Wireless 802.11a/n/ac

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The Light Head Grid (LHG) is a compact and light 5GHz 802.11 a/n/ac wireless device with an integrated dual polarization 27 dBi grid antenna at a revolutionary price. It is perfect for point to point links or for use as a CPE at longer distances and supports Nv2 TDMA protocol. The grid design ensures protection against wind, and the fact that the antenna element is built into the wireless unit means no loss on cables.


The grid design ensures protection against wind, and the fact that the antenna element is built into the wireless unit means no loss on cables.


Antenna Specification :
Operating frequency      : 5150 - 5875 MHz
Antenna gain                : 27 +/- 0.5 dBi
Antenna beam width     : 7°
Cross polar                   : 15 dBi
Port to port isolation      : 20 dB
Front to back ratio        : 25 dB
Return loss                   : 10 dB
VSWR                          : 1.925:1


Detail Barang:


  • Routerboard RBLHGG-5acD-XL dengan outdoor Grid Antenna 5Ghz 27dbi
  • 1 port ethernet (1 untuk PoE)
  • Power Adaptor 24 V
  • Power over Ethernet Spliter
  • 2 pcs metal ring
  • Screw Kit


Spesifikasi RBLHGG-5acD-XL
Product CodeRBLHGG-5acD-XL
CPUIPQ-4018 716 MHz - 4 Core
Current MonitorNo
Main Storage/NAND16MB
SFP Ports0
LAN Ports1
Switch ChipNo
Integrated Wireless1
Wireless Standarts802.11 a/n/ac
Wireless Tx Power25dbm
Integrated AntennaYes
Antenna Gain27dbi
SIM Card SlotsNo
Memory CardsNo
Power JackNo
802.3af SupportNo
POE Input11-30V
POE OutputNo
Serial PortNo
Voltage MonitorNo
Temperature SensorNo
Dimentions550 x 550 x 245 mm
Operating SystemRouterOS
Temperature Range-40C .. +70C
RouterOS LicenseLevel3

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