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NanoBracket™ NBE-M5-16

NanoBracket™ NBE-M5-16
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Brand:RF elements
Jenis:Wireless Antenna
Harga:Rp 50.000,00
  Rp 120.000,00

NanoBracket® for NBE-M5-16 offers a 3-axis positioning system based on the 4th generation of our patent-pending ball hinge. NanoBracket® for NBE-M5-16 enables precise and easy adjustment of the AP in azimuth, elevation and rotation to eliminate a potential missmatch loss and to achieve the best RF performance of the MiMo link.

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NanoBracket® is made of outdoor resistant ABS and stainless steel hardware. NanoBracket® for NBE-M5-16 is an excellent upgrade from the wimpy mount you get with your NanoBeam®.



COMPATIBLE WIRELESS PLATFORMS : Ubiquiti Networks™ NanoBeam® M5-16








Bracket Body
Screw 3,5 x 45 mm (4 pcs)
Wall Plug (4 pcs)


Seluruh harga yang tercantum di atas belum termasuk PPN 11% dan biaya pengiriman.

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