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RFelements StationBox® S SBX-S-2SMA

RFelements StationBox® S SBX-S-2SMA
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Brand:RF elements
Jenis:Wireless Antenna
Harga:Rp 132.000,00
  Rp 260.000,00

StationBox® S is a compact outdoor enclosure for MikroTik boards. The entire body is made of ABS. StationBox® S offers Easy Installation for Mikrotik RouterBoard on outdoor environment.

Paket ini hanya terdiri dari Box Enclosure, belum termasuk perangkat wireless.

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StationBox® S





StationBox® S is compact enclosure designed for Router Board™ RB922, RB912 and RB911. By integrating the RouterBoard™ you will create compact, connectorized radio powered by MikroTik™ technology. It is compatible with UBNT airMax™ radio mounting system, therefore you can clip it to compatible antennas instantly.




Compatible Wireless Platforms :
MikroTik RouterBoard RB922, RB911, RB912, RB711, RB411
RFelements Antenna : SEC-CC-2-14, SEC-CC-5-17, SEC-CC-5-20
Compatible with UBNT AirMax High Gain Sectors
Compatible with UBNT RocketDish







TECHNICAL DATA : Weight : 0.50 kg / 1.1 lbs – single piece incl. package
Single Piece : 210 × 55 × 140 mm / 8.3 × 2.2 × 5.5 inches









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